Agriculture Finance

Pragathi KCC: The Kisan Credit Card has emerged as an innovative credit delivery mechanism to meet the production credit requirements of the farmers in a timely and hassle-free manner. Main features of the scheme are (a) Meeting the short term credit requirements for cultivation of crops (b) Post Harvest expenses (c) Produce Marketing Loan (d) Consumption requirements of farmer household (e) Working Capital requirement for maintenance of farm assets and activities allied to agriculture, dairy animals, inland fisheries etc.

KCC (AH&F): The Government of India has been providing the Interest Subvention @2% p.a. on the loans arranged to the farmers under Pragathi Kisan Credit Cards / Crop Loans upto Rs.3.00 lakhs provided the loans are arranged @7% p.a. rate of interest. 

Pragathi Produce Loan Scheme: The scheme is introduced to protect the interest of the farmers,  who are  the Bank’s  major clientele, by financing against the pledge of Warehouse Receipts (in respect of produce stored by the farmers) issued by Central and State Warehouses and private godowns having collateral management agreement services approved by bank

Rythu Mitra Groups (RMGs): In order to consider financial assistance mainly to the SF/MF/Tenant Farmers/Share Croppers/Lessee farmers, financial assistance required to RMGs may be realistically assessed and financed and repeat finance may be extended on savings to loan ratio up to 1:20 depending on quality of the RMG and the recovery position of the loans extended to RMGs.

The financial assistance can be for Crop Production, Investment Credit, etc. and repayment period shall be as per the scheme/purpose.  The good functioning groups shall only be considered for financial assistance.

Joint Liability Groups (JLGs): It is an informal group comprising 4 – 10 members. The JLG is primarily a credit group and savings by the JLG members is voluntary. The members of JLGs can avail loan either singly or through group mechanism. Group shall comprise members of similar socio-economic status and background and carrying out farm related activities, who agree to function as JLG. The farmers joining the group should cultivate the lands in the same village or in a contiguous area known to each other well and has interest and mutual trust to continue as group members.

Financing Tenant Farmers (CCRC): Govt. of AP brought new act viz., Andhra Pradesh Crop Cultivator Right Act 2019 during Aug 2019. Under that act Crop Cultivator Rights Cards (CCRC) will be issued with the mutual agreement of land owner and cultivator for the period of 11 months, which entitles the tenant farmer to avail bank finance

Investment Credit: Term Finance to borrowers engaged in allied activities like Dairy Farming (Pala Dhara) (Mini Dairy units), Sheep Rearing, Heifer Calf Rearing, Ram lamb Rearing, Pragathi Farm Mechanization, Minor Irrigation  including  Sprinkler  and  Drip Irrigation, Floriculture, Horticulture and Orchards, Bio-Diesel, Land  Purchase Scheme, Agri. Business & Agri. Clinics, Pragathi Jaladhara, Sericulture, Fisheries, Rural Godowns, Bio-Gas, Organic Farming, Vermiculture and Vermi composting, Poly houses, Cold Storage, Milk Chilling Centers, etc.

Self Help Groups (SHGs): In tune with the Government of India/Reserve Bank of  India/NABARD  policy  for extending hassle-free financial support to the Self Help Groups, the SHG bank linkage programme shall be given due importance. All the eligible groups, with membership ranging from 10-20, shall be considered for financial assistance adequately in the form of Cash Credit / Overdraft facility basing on the corpus and Micro Credit Plans.