NABARD Sponsored Schemes

Agriculture Infrastructure fund-The scheme shall provide a medium - long term debt financing facility for investment in viable projects for post-harvest management Infrastructure and community farming assets through interest subvention and financial support.

Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture (MIDH) a Centrally Sponsored Scheme for the holistic growth of the horticulture sector covering fruits, vegetables, root & tuber crops, mushrooms, spices, flowers, aromatic plants, coconut, cashew, cocoa and bamboo.

Agri clinic and Agri Business Centres (ACABC) Scheme which aims to promote the establishment of Agri-Clinics and Agri-Business Centres (ACABC) all over the country. Agri-Clinics are envisaged to provide expert advice and services to farmers on various aspects to enhance productivity of crops/animals and increase the incomes of farmers.

New Agricultural Marketing Infrastructure (AMI) sub- scheme of Integrated Scheme for Agricultural Marketing (ISAM) being implemented by Government of India to develop marketing infrastructure to effectively handle and manage marketable surpluses of agricultural and allied produce. Further to promote innovative and latest technologies in post-harvest and agricultural marketing infrastructure through alternative & competitive marketing channels for agricultural and allied produce through incentivizing private and cooperative sectors to make investments there for and to benefit the farmers individually and collectively through FPOs from farm level processing and marketing of processed produce along with promotion of small size processing units.

New Centrally Sponsored Scheme “Scheme for Formalization of Micro food processing Enterprises (FME)”, an all India Scheme to modernize and enhance the competitiveness of the existing individual micro enterprises and with the key objectives to Increase access to finance,  Increase in revenues of target enterprises, Enhanced compliance with food quality and safety standard, Strengthening capacities of support systems, Special focus on Women entrepreneurs and Aspirational Districts, Encourage Waste to Wealth activities and Focus on minor forest produce in Tribal Districts and Transition from the unorganized sector to the formal sector.

Special Refinance Scheme in Watershed /Wadi project areas - A concessional refinance scheme of NABARD under Automatic Refinance Facility to enable banks to obtain financial accommodation for their finance to additional economic activities covering primary, secondary and tertiary sectors in watershed and micro food processing activities in wadi project areas and to deepen institutional credit to beneficiaries in these project areas.

Special Refinance Scheme for Financing Water Sanitation and Hygiene Activities (WASH) - A concessional refinance scheme of NABARD under Automatic Refinance Facility to enable banks to obtain financial accommodation for their finance to WASH activities such as construction of toilets / twin-pit toilets, converting toilet to toilet-cum-bathroom with piped water connection, construction of overhead water tanks, additional bathroom-cum-toilet, installing piped water connection, retrofitting and up gradation of dysfunctional toilets, etc.

Financing of Farmers Producers Organization (FPO) promoted under Government of India scheme or promotion of 10,000 FPOs across the country as well as other FPOs promoted by NABARD  in the State of Andhra Pradesh wherein the Formation and promotion of FPOs is based on “produce clusters” approach and whereas under the scheme grant assistance towards Management and Incubation will be provided for 5 years from the year of formation and  the Eligible lending institutions can avail Credit Guarantee cover.